Simple, accurate, carbon accounting.

Audit-ready emissions data, using data you already have in your business.
Used by sustainability teams at
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Understand your carbon footprint quickly and easily.

Simple, web-based software, implementing best practice.

Find your footprint, fast — without breaking the bank.

Cost shouldn't be a barrier to understanding your impact. With CarbonTrail, get your real-time emissions estimate in minutes — at a sensible price.

Accurate, auditable, data

Your customers will increasingly expect to see your emissions data — including tricky Scope 3 emissions. That’s where CarbonTrail shines. We provide world-leading accuracy across all your emissions. And we make it easy to share your progress.

Hybrid spend and activity data

CarbonTrail's AI automatically considers over 500 emissions factors, including difficult-to-measure value chain emissions. You can also add activity data, such as flights, fuel, or electricity usage, to get a best-in-class view of your emissions.

With you every step of the way

Our friendly team will help you get started, connect up your emissions sources, and generate your first carbon footprint.

See how easy it is to tame your emissions with CarbonTrail.

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